Fruit Trays! The perfect healthy snack. Made to order.
Order for your office parties, gatherings, or just because you deserve it! Sizes vary. Call or email to inquire for a quote here at Son of a Chef Bakery in Orangeville.
We also have a small inventory available every day, so you can always stop by and buy if available!
You can call 519-942-3042 to order during business hours. Or you can email Inquire online at
Cakes, cakes, cakes! Son of a Chef Bakery does custom cake orders for any occasion. Call us at 519-942-3042 or email to place your order.
Son of a Chef in Orangeville will be CLOSED on Canada Day. For a limited time: We will have Canada day Cupcakes and cakes available until Saturday! Call us at 519-942-3042 or email to place your order.
We hope you all have a Safe & Fun Canada Day Long Weekend!
Why Is It Called a “Solstice?" During a year, the subsolar point—the spot on the Earth's surface directly beneath the Sun—slowly moves along a north-south axis. Having reached its southernmost point at the December solstice, it stops and starts moving northward until it crosses the equator on the day of the March equinox. At the June solstice, which marks the northernmost point of its journey, it stops again to start its journey back toward the south.
This is how the solstices got their name: the term comes from the Latin words sol and sistere, meaning “Sun" and “to stand still".