“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - OPRAH WINFREY
Happy Thanksgiving! From your friends at Grand Valley Dental.
We at Grand Valley Dental pride ourselves on providing exceptional dental care for your whole family in a setting that goes far beyond your typical dental office. Created with the comfort of our patients in mind, our spa-like environment boasts designer interiors, luxurious leather sofa and chairs, magnificent artwork, and flat screen display in every room, as well as wi-fi internet access.
Reach out to us to schedule your appointments at 519-928-3030.
Read more at https://www.shopgrandvalley.com/grandvallleydental/?listing.action=about
A dental sealant is a plastic coating your dentist will apply to your teeth. This sealant will help to protect these teeth from decay. Please contact Grand Valley Dental at 519-928-3030 for further details on our prosthodontics procedures.
Let's face it, very few of us have perfect teeth, free of decay and fillings. You can probably see a filling or two in your own mouth, which do just that -- "fill" a cavity, or hole, in your tooth left from the excavation of decayed tooth structure. In many cases, those fillings are made of metal material and can go bad, weaken the tooth, or get additional decay under or around it. In fact, 1.2 billion of these metal fillings will need to be replaced in the next 10 years.* CEREC is a method used by thousands of dentists worldwide since 1987 not only to replace these fillings, but also to restore any tooth that is decayed, weakened, broken, etc. to its natural strength and beauty. Better yet, it's done with all-ceramic materials that are tooth colored in a single appointment!
Grand Valley Dental is proud to be an active part of the Grand Valley community and has established its place through experience, trust and results that leave our patients smiling.
Reach out to Grand Valley Dental to schedule your appointments at 519-928-3030.